Administrative procedures - State Institution «Palace of the Republic»
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Administrative procedures

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated April 26, 2010 No. 200 “On administrative procedures carried out by state bodies and other organizations at the request of citizens”, the Palace of the Republic carries out the following administrative procedures:

1. On registration (re-registration) of employees of the Palace of the Republic who need to improve their living conditions

2. On making changes to the composition of the family with which the citizen is registered in need of improved housing conditions (in the event of an increase in the composition of the family)

3. On making changes to the composition of the family with which the citizen is registered in need of improved housing conditions (in the event of a decrease in the composition of the family)

4. On inclusion in separate lists of those in need of better housing conditions

5. On the division (combination) of the queue, on the re-registration of the queue from an employee of the Palace of the Republic to an adult member of his family, who is also an employee of the Palace of the Republic

6. On the removal of employees of the Palace of the Republic from the list of those in need of better living conditions

7. On registration of employees of the Palace of the Republic who wish to receive housing in a hostel

8. On the provision of a one-time subsidy for the construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises

9. Issuance of a certificate of status on the register of those in need of better housing conditions

10. Issuance of a certificate on the provision (non-submission) of a one-time subsidy for the construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises

11. Issuance of an extract (copy) from the work book

12. Issuance of a certificate of the place of work, position held

13. Issuance of a certificate of the period of work

14. Issuance of a certificate of wages

15. Assignment of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth

16. Assignment of benefits to women registered with state health organizations before 12 weeks of pregnancy

17. Assignment of benefits in connection with the birth of a child

18. Assignment of allowance for the care of a child under the age of 3 years

19. Assignment of benefits to families for children aged 3 to 18 years during the period of raising a child under the age of 3 years

20. Assignment of benefits for children over 3 years old from certain categories of families

21. Appointment of temporary disability benefits for caring for a sick child under the age of 14 (a disabled child under the age of 18)

22. Appointment of temporary disability benefits for caring for a child under the age of 3 and a disabled child under the age of 18 in case of illness of the mother or other person actually caring for the child

23. Appointment of temporary disability benefits for the care of a disabled child under the age of 18 in the case of his sanatorium treatment, medical rehabilitation

24. Issuance of a certificate on the amount of the allocated allowance for children and the period of its payment

25. Issuance of a certificate of return to work before the expiration of leave to care for a child under the age of 3 and termination of payment of benefits

26. Issuance of a certificate of deduction of alimony and their amount

27. Issuance of a certificate of insecurity of the child in the current year with a ticket at the expense of state social insurance funds to a camp with round-the-clock stay

28. Issuance of a certificate of being on parental leave until the child reaches the age of 3 years

29. Issuance of a certificate on the period for which the maternity benefit was paid

30. Payment of benefits (material assistance) for burial

31. Issuance of a certificate of non-allocation of vouchers for children for sanatorium treatment and rehabilitation in the current year

32. Issuance of a certificate on the presence or absence of writ of execution and (or) other requirements for the collection of tax debts, other debts and obligations to the Republic of Belarus, its legal entities and individuals

33. Issuance of a certificate of income, calculated and withheld amounts of income tax from individuals

Forms (blanks) of documents necessary for applying for administrative procedures, as well as information on the procedure for filling them out, can be obtained from officials responsible for carrying out administrative procedures.

Reception of citizens is carried out: Monday – Friday from 9:00 to 18:00, lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00.

The procedure for the implementation of administrative procedures by the State Institution “Palace of the Republic” of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus (doc, ru)

Policy regarding the processing of personal data (pdf, ru)

Higher autority:


Republic of Belarus, Minsk, 38 Karl Marx street
Working Hours: Mon.-Fri.: 9:00 – 18:00